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Potential Juror Qualifications And The Selection Process Of Grand Juries

Potential Juror Qualifications and the Selection Process of Grand Juries

Determining Eligibility

To assess the suitability of prospective jurors, the court clerk distributes a statutory questionnaire to each individual. This questionnaire gathers information vital in determining their eligibility for jury duty.

Grand Jury Selection

Federal Law

Federal law mandates that grand juries be composed of individuals selected randomly from an impartial pool of citizens. These individuals are typically drawn from voter registration databases or comparable sources.

Origin and History

The grand jury system has a rich history originating in the 12th century English common law. It serves as a preliminary investigative body to determine whether sufficient evidence exists to charge an individual with a crime.

Nature of the Grand Jury

Similar to trial jurors, grand jurors are ordinary citizens randomly selected. They convene for a specific period, usually not exceeding 18 months, to evaluate accusations against a person or legal entity.

Jury Size

Grand juries consist of 12 to 23 individuals who are responsible for reviewing evidence, hearing testimony, and considering the evidence to determine if criminal charges should be brought forth.
